Tag Archives: limbo

Home from France

Tuesday, I returned home from France after two months. When I am gone from New Mexico for such a long time, re-entry can be a little daunting.

Looking back on those two months brings me insight and questions about my art. During the last two weeks in France, I began to realize that my work is again going through an evolution. Everything is in limbo. I am not sure in which direction the change will take me but I believe in process and waiting to see what develops.

This is my last unfinished painting that I did in Soréze. I just ran out of time.

Last painting in France-Unfinished

Last painting in France-unfinished

When I came home, I learned that I was accepted for an artist residency in 2015 in Sonoma County, California, the area in which I grew up. Sonoma County inhabits a large part of my psyche. My love of the natural world and my inspiration to paint it comes from living there for the first twenty years of my life. That area left a profound imprint on my imagination, and It shaped my idea of beauty and my desire to see that beauty preserved.

Sonoma County Residency

Sonoma County Artist Residency

So, already in my state of limbo, I seem to have a future creative focus. I will be exploring why my paintings still reverberate with my heartfelt ties to part of northern California.

But what to do between now and then? I will be waiting for direction.