Tag Archives: Opening Exhibit

Thanks from Ann Hart Marquis, Nature Lover

I would like to thank everyone who came to my opening at Harwood Art Gallery last Friday night. It was a wonderful night, as many collectors, friends, and more filled the room for most of the night. The show continues through April 25, 2013.

I especially want to thank Tim Anderson for doing the actual hanging and Donna Miller for helping me organize the room and the paintings. I have to tell you that if you if you have never hung a show and decided what painting will go where, it is really is great fun and somewhat challenging.


Me getting organized.

Harwood provides a comfortable and well lit gallery for my paintings. And the walls were perfectly white which was just what my very colorful paintings needed. I have found it successful to have a variety of work so that if people don’t want to buy a large painging, they had their choice of a limited-edition print, small matted original works on paper and a packet of greeting cards.


Me talking with my long time friend Karen Stauch in front of the Orange Lotus print.

So here is how the evening went.

Ann Hart Marquis Harwood Exhibit, 2013

Ann Hart Marquis Harwood Exhibit, 2013